Hello again! So here we go with another blog. I have struggled with how to put my thoughts into words these last few days, which is why this is a day or so late. That being said, lets do this.

First, graduation was a huge accomplishment for me. Those close to me know I have gone to school off and on for many years. However, life, or my lack of discipline or focus always lead me to walk away. Yet this time I managed to finish and will apply Monday to continue.

Hip surgery recovery. Good week except for stepping in the bunny hole. I am cane free but still not where I need to be. Hoping to make more positive strides this week. Staying positive is the key to a good recovery, however sometimes I lose focus of that thought.

Star Trek! Amazing! I would see it again and again! To be honest, I liked it better than Iron Man 3! Big movies this week for the holiday weekend!

Finally, Craigslist! Ok people. If you put an ad on to sell something is it not a realistic premise to either return an email, text, or phone call if you want to get rid of said item? Or if the item is gone, remove your ad!! Maybe it is just me, but I think the world has gone mad!

Ok need some feedback!!

Best season of Dexter?

Thought about mopeds on the highways.

Memorial weekend!!

I am out!
So here we are again! Thank you for reading! If I make no other points this week in my random thought, walk away with this one. Try and make Mothers Day special for someone! Whether it be your mom, wife, child, step-child, or a random stranger, saying Happy Mothers Day can brighten their day. Moms are amazing people, especially the ones who do it on their own! Katie Matthews amazes me daily on being a single parent who works full time and attends school, which she will graduate from next week! It is truly my honor to be your step-dad.


Iron Man 3 was truly amazing and a big thanks to Jeff Cole for seeing it with me! Robert Downey Jr. is brilliant and the special effects incredible! Stay thru the credits people...come on, this isn't the first Marvel movie to have something at the end.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone. This made me sad. I love Steve Carell in everything he has done, however seeing him play this type of character really bothered me. Worth a watch if you can see it for free.

Gangster Squad. Fantastic. Unfortunately this movie was pushed back due to the tragic Colorado shootings during the Dark Knight Rises premier. I think this caused it to lose its footing which is sad. Ryan Gosseling was great, Sean Penn was brilliant!

Battlestar Galactica!! For those who have not watched the series that was remade I can't recommend it enough! As I do my therapy daily I am rewatching the series. Brilliant, and I find it funny what I missed the first time!

Recovery. My doctors, family, and friends can't believe how fast I am coming along. I however am not satisfied. My left leg is great, my right leg I am struggling. Everyday gets easier but I am tired and frustrated. I know it sounds dumb but I set little goals for myself and try to accomplish them daily. Today was to lay on the couch and lift my legs up by myself. I failed. So I will try again tomorrow. It has only been 3 weeks. However when I graduate next weekend I want to cross the stage without a cane of help. Kinda like Tiny Tim.

As always, lets Go Blackhawks!

Pacers need to beat the Knicks!

Plus stay classy Miami! Nice press from tonight's game!

Happy Mothers Day!

Oh and my little buddy moved to his house today, which is leaving me kind of lost, but my dog can relax!
Coconut bra. With great power comes great responsibility.
Ok folks, here we go again. This week will be much lighter than last week. Last weeks blog read like either a guy on his last day on death row or someone ready to jump. Either way it was raw and honest and people needed acknowledged for their help and whatnot.

Ok, has anyone ever played Walmart bingo? If you see me there I bet it will complete your card. 39 year old with 2 canes may or may not be riding in a mobile cart. I have to be honest, I am digging front row parking when I do leave the house, but can do without the judgement from people.

I am going to blow your mind. I believe Tyler Perry is the James Patterson of movies. I am not sure who produces more. Unreal and semi impressive.

Big weekend Iron Man 3! Hoping it is as good as it is hyped to be!

NHL playoffs. Nothing does or will ever compare to the chase for the cup!

Happy Birthday again to my wife. She has been amazing the last few weeks.

Cooper says, "HI!"
My new best friend, taking ideas for a name! Something other than f$&@ing walker!
Good morning, good afternoon , or good night! Welcome to another addition of my blog! This week I am going to give a brief summary of my surgery and what has made the entire thing possible!

So as I write this I am 8 days post surgery. For the most part, I am doing 100% better. When awoke from my procedure the deep bone pain I had felt for months was immediately gone. What has changed however was learning to start walking all over again.

With the procedure I had done, the surgeon went in through the front of my hips and replaced both hip joints and sockets. I have an incision about 7 inches long on each leg and both are healing up remarkably well.

The first day, to no surprise, was the worst. Although, theist several evenings I do feel rundown and very sore. However, not to the point I was before. At this point, I can get out of bed, dress, and walk with only the assistance of a walker. The walker I took a picture of will be my new best friend for the next few weeks!

I have to say that if anyone is considering having this surgery, I would highly recommend it. Especially if Fort Wayne Orthopedics and Lutheran Orthopedic Hospital are involved. They walked me through step by step, and there was even a day where I could come in and meet with people involved with surgery, tour the facility, and have any questions answered. I can't say enough wonderful things about the facility and the people who work there.

Now for the people who have made all this possible. First, my wife Nancy and Peyton. Both have been there first hand and saw what the last few months were doing to me and that I needed to have it done. I have been a train wreck several times post surgery and both have helped me greatly.

Next, my mom and dad. Both my parents have been through similar surgery a and I have been bombarding them with questions the last several weeks. Not to mention all the little things the last several days. Balloons, candy, food delivered and rides to doctor offices have all made my parents a key part of my recovery.

My friends, and this list is endless so I will group them. My Rusty Blades friends! I was having a very hard day yesterday and receiving your card was just what I needed. It also gave me the itch to go back to Vegas, which I assume all the literature came from Skev! My Goodrich friends, you know you work and have good people around you when you can count on several harassing and teasing texts or messages throughout the day. Very glad to have all of you in my life, and there are so many to name. Finally, Facebook friends and relatives. All the comments and cheering on is greatly appreciated.

A few other people who deserve shout outs are Patrick, Allison, and Jeremiah! Having my little buddy here the last week has helped keep my mind from going to dark places! Katie and Jackson, who when I fell off the bed and got stuck for 30 minutes, rushed over to help me. Finally, I need to thank Amy Witt. Amy is a friend from forever who works at my Physical Therapy office. If she had not recommended Dr. Van De Leur, I would not be where I am today. Thank you all you are all incredibly special to me, and if I forgot you, my apologies the music was starting to play like at the Oscars.

Ok! Now for fun stuff!

Does Kobe Bryant know Owen? You know 0 and 3! LOL

Go Blackhawks! President Cup winners! One Goal! Go get the Cup boys!

Congratulations to my good friend Chuck Weigold on his proposal! Very happy for you buddy!

Finger! I am praying for you and Miss Amy!

Movies this week.

End of Watch. Great movie. Brutal, sad, I would never want to be a police officer, especially in L.A.

The Other Guys. Funny. Worth the watch, but per usual a little Will Ferrell goes a long way!

Iron Man 3 this week!

Stay safe and thanks for reading!!

My dog Cooper! He is no Lassie. He licked my face while I was stuck for 30 minutes last night! As you can see, the rescue wiped him out!
So the more i write this the more I think it is going to shape up to be a bunch of random thoughts and movie reviews!

First of all let me say how great it is to have Allison and her family back home with us here in Indiana! Jeremiah is so fun to have home and such a funny and happy little boy!

Ok, movies I watched this week!

G.I. Joe Retaliation, fun action movie. Made me realize that with all the movies coming out this summer staring the Rock I need to invest my money in arm butter! Not the best movie I have seen and not the worst.

Red Dawn: great movie. Not sure why i waited so long to see it. Plus those of us who remember the Nick show Drake and Josh get to see Josh 100 pounds lighter and ripped. Not sure risking his life for the little blonde with the dead ends in her hair was a wise choice, but who am I to judge.

Django Unchained: brilliant movie! Christoph Waltz was amazing. This is easily one of my favorite movies I have seen all year. If you are a fan of old Clint Eastwood Westerns and Mel Brooks Blazzing Sadles this is a must see!

Finally, Safe Haven. If you like The Notebook you will like this. Good story, amazing ending that you don't see coming and Juliana Hough is easy on the eyes.

In other news, Kobe tore his Achilles, Tiger made a bad drop, Blackhawks clinched the division, and the Cubs are dropping rapidly!

Have a great week!

Klink Out!!

Welcome to the Easter edition of Klinkers Blog. So here I am an hour before walking dead finale, reflecting on the past week of shutdown.
I did an ungodly amount of work around the house this week. All of which is to prepare for my upcoming surgery. Hopefully I can finish my list before it all happens in a few weeks. Frankly, I am ready to return to work. I am sure I am losing my mind at home and pretty sure my family is sick of me being around.

Watched some good movies this week and killed it at guitar hero. It is always a good week when the Blackhawks beat the Red wings especially in their house. Also the NCAA basketball has been fairly entertaining minus the bone thru the leg.

Easter was fun. Missed having Peyton here but she is enjoying a youth for Christ trip this week. As a side note, I should not be the one to drop her off for trips, I get teary. Can't imagine when college gets here.

So the bunny picture is a light up bunny at mom and dads house. Other than the clown from poltergeist, nothing is more evil and scary than this bunny! Hope everyone had a great Easter. Also hope you were not the over aggressive people at your Easter egg hunts the past few days. I saw a few real winners coaching their kids of how to dominate.

Have a good week, gotta run, walking dead time, plus, Winter is Coming!
Welcome to my first edition of my blog/website/random thoughts! As with most things in my life I tend to do things a tad different. I have decided to write this because since walking away from hockey, I am searching for something to fill the time. Years ago, I enjoyed writing so here we are. Circle or life or Hakuna matata.

I hope to make this a weekly or perhaps more often type of thing. If you like follow if you don't that's cool to. I enjoy feedback so have at it!

In a final thought, I think the Daryl should be the one to take out the governor on Walking Dead in the season finale.

Happy Easter and thanks for reading!
